Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Arthritis, cancer, cholera-- Oh my!!

Those of you who know me, know that I'm a little twisted. And that's why when I saw a tweet from Locust Grove Historic Home saying "Register for the death tour!" I had to hop online pronto to see what's what.

According to their website:

Alcoholism, arthritis, cancer, cholera, chronic infections, mania and depression, skin scald, strokes, and tuberculosis---family letters reveal how serious the Croghans’ health problems were. What went wrong? This night-time tour features new research and expands our views of how this affluent Kentucky family really lived and slowly died. Cost is $10 ($7 for members and volunteers). RESERVATIONS REQUIRED - call 897-9845.

Yeah, I'm thinking I need to check this out. Nothing says "Happy Halloween" like skin scald, right?

October 21, 7pm.

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